
Personal Development, career, Advice Karin Mueller Personal Development, career, Advice Karin Mueller

Courage Over Doubt

Picture this: You’re at an important meeting. You’re pleased to have a seat at the table, surrounded by accomplished professionals. Yet somewhere deep down you can’t shake this nauseating feeling that you don’t belong here and that you’re about to be exposed as a fraud.

Welcome to the world of Imposter Syndrome. A world that even the most successful people inhabit.

Here are three ways to manage your imposter syndrome, build your resilience, and remain courageous.

- July 2023

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career, Advice Karin Mueller career, Advice Karin Mueller

Don’t lose your oars!

Imagine a rowing boat adrift at sea without oars. The boat is at the mercy of the weather and currents – both with a mind of their own.

Why, you ask, are we talking about oarless rowing boats? Because many careers end up just like them – bobbing around, without clear direction, struggling to make progress.

Here is our advice for how to avoid being like an oarless rowing boat and instead planning a successful career.

- June 2023

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